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Author Profile

Leonard White | Director of Education for the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, Duke University

Leonard White | Director of Education for the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, Duke University

Current Position and Past Experience
Leonard White is an Associate Professor in the Duke University School of Medicine and Director of Education in the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences.

White has faculty appointments in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and the Department of Neurobiology. He also serves as the Associate Director for Integrative Human Biological Sciences for the Masters of Biomedical Science, the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies in Neuroscience, and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Academic Medicine Education Institute at the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Singapore).

Since joining the faculty at Duke, White has been developing and teaching courses in foundational neuroscience and clinical neuroanatomy. He has led the implementation of team-based learning at Duke and works closely with colleagues who are transforming health professions education by emphasizing active learning, real-time problem solving, collaboration, and professionalism. He is co-author of a digital atlas of the human central nervous system and an author and editor of a leading textbook of neuroscience. He is also teaches massive open online neuroscience courses on the Coursera platform.

White's research interests encompass the development and evolution of functional neural circuits in the cerebral cortex and the impact of sensory experience and neurological disease on brain structure and function. His work is published in leading scientific journals, including Nature, Science and The Journal of Neuroscience.

Education, Honors and Achievements
White received his Ph.D. in neural biology in 1992 from Washington University; he then came to Duke University for postdoctoral training before joining the faculty of the School of Medicine in 1999. White has received the Excellence in Teaching Award from Doctor of Physical Therapy students, the Golden Apple Award (twice) from medical students, and the Master Clinician/Teacher Award from the Duke University School of Medicine.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
White is an avid runner who enjoys leading help sessions for his students while running or hiking trails through the Duke Forest. He also enjoys playing the classical guitar. In the community, he is a board member at his church and a board member of a local guitar society. White enjoys backpacking and kayaking with his wife, a Duke geriatrician, and their college student son and daughter.

Follow White @NeuroscienceNow and @MedNeuroMOOC.

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The EvoLLLution Year in Review