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Layne Morsch | Interim Associate Provost of Online, Professional and Engaged Learning, University of Illinois Springfield

Layne Morsch | Interim Associate Provost of Online, Professional and Engaged Learning, University of Illinois Springfield

Current Position and Past Experience
Layne Morsch is currently Interim Associate Provost for Online, Professional and Engaged Learning at the University of Illinois Springfield and has been with UIS since 2008. Some of his other roles in his time there include Professor and Chair. Prior he was an assistant professor at DePaul University and Barat College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Morsch holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Organic Chemistry from the University of Illinois and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Minnesota State University.
Dr. Morsch has been recognized for his outstanding contributions to teaching and online education with numerous awards, including the UIS College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching, the Burks Oakley II Distinguished Online Teaching Award and the Pearson Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching. Additionally, Dr. Morsch is an Apple Distinguished Educator, class of 2015, and has served as a faculty fellow and senior faculty fellow with the UIS Center for Online Learning Research and Service.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Layne enjoys attending his children’s events including cheerleading for football and basketball, show choir, track and cross country. When not working at watching his kids, you may find him playing electric bass at his church.

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