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Laurie Dodge | Vice Provost and Vice Chancellor of Institutional Assessment, Brandman University

Laurie Dodge | Vice Provost and Vice Chancellor of Institutional Assessment, Brandman University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Laurie Dodge is Vice Chancellor of Institutional Assessment and Vice Provost of Brandman University. Dr. Dodge led with a team of faculty and staff in building two competency-based education direct assessment programs, a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. As Vice Chancellor, she also oversees program outcomes assessment, new program development, curriculum processes, state authorization, and academic policies and catalog.

Currently, Dr. Dodge is the WASC Senior University and College Commission (WSCUC) Accreditation Liaison Officer for Brandman University and serves on the WSCUC Substantive Change Committee. Previously, Dr. Dodge has also served as the Interim Co-Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Professor in Psychology at Brandman University.

Prior to becoming a higher education administrator, Dr. Dodge was a nationally certified school psychologist and licensed educational psychologist.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Laurie Dodge holds a Ph.D in School Psychology with cognates in Research and Human Development from Ball State University.

In 2016, Dr. Laurie Dodge was named one of the “The Sixteen Most Innovative People in Higher Education” by Washington Monthly.

Dr. Dodge is the President of the Board of Directors for the Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN) of over 90 universities and organizations that facilitate program design, implementation, and scaling of quality competency-based programs (CBE).

She has presented nationally and internationally on CBE and co-authored a book titled A Leader’s Guide to Competency-Based Education: From Inception to Implementation (Bushway, Dodge, & Long, July 2018, Stylus Publishing).

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Dodge loves hiking in beautiful San Luis Obispo, CA where she is most fortunate to share a sweet life with her husband John. She loves traveling and exploring both in the forests and mountains and playing in favorite cement playgrounds of San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and Auckland.

You can connect with Laurie Dodge on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review