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Author Profile

Laura Saret | Professor Emerita, Oakton Community College

Laura Saret | Professor Emerita, Oakton Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Laura Saret is Professor of Business Emerita at Oakton Community College, where she taught general business, management, and computer technologies as a full time faculty member from 1981-2011. At Oakton, she has held the position of Faculty Coordinator for the Teaching and Learning Center, which she co-created, and was a Department Chairperson for Computer Technologies and Information Systems. She also served as the Faculty Coordinator for Assessment. From 2000 to 2009, Saret served as the President of the Faculty Association.

Saret is an advisor with Nova Educational Solutions and a private education and leadership consultant, trainer, and presenter in the areas of leadership, professional development, online teaching and learning, negotiations (particularly interest-based), mediation, shared governance, strategic planning, assessment, retention, and adult education as well as a variety of related management topics.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Saret earned her BS and BSE in Mathematics, Chemistry and Secondary Education from Northern Illinois University in 1972. In 1975 she completed her MBA at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.

In 1993, Saret earned her EdD in Adult Education and Community College Management from Northern Illinois University. In 2011, Saret earned her Master Online Teacher Certificate from the University of Illinois.

Saret was also part of the American Council on Education’s Fellows Program from 2003-2004.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Saret has served on the Illinois Board of Higher Education Task Force to set an agenda for higher education in Illinois, Illinois Board of Higher Education Task Forces for Teacher Accreditation, and the Executive Committee Member of Illinois Community College Faculty Association, an advisory committee to the Illinois Community College Board.

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