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Larry Good | President and CEO, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

Larry Good | President and CEO, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

Current Position and Past Experience
Larry Good is currently President and CEO of Corporation for a Skilled Workforce, which he co-founded in 1991. Prior, he was Chair and Senior Policy Fellow. He also spent 13 years as the President and CEO of the CSW.

Good is a leader in designing and implementing transformative workforce development change strategies that result in scalable results. He led a major engagement assisting the state of Michigan in developing and implementing a total rethinking of state workforce policy, initiatives and structure, including the landmark No Worker Left Behind initiative. His work focuses on reinvention of public policy and practice regarding adult learning, including creating market-relevant credentials, integrating basic skills development with career pathways and developing sector strategies at a state and regional level to engage groups of employers in developing shared workforce solutions.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Good earned his MBA from Michigan State University’s Eli Broad Graduate School of Management in 1983. He earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Oakland University.

You can find Larry Good on LinkedIn and connect with the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce on Twitter @skilledwork_org.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review