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Author Profile

Kevin Weaver | Vice President Academic, Georgian College

Kevin Weaver | Vice President Academic, Georgian College

Current Position and Past Experience
Kevin is Vice President, Academic, accountable for postsecondary programs, apprenticeship, continuing education and contract training, international and supporting industry partnerships. Kevin provides strategic leadership to the academic portfolio in executing the academic priorities aligned with the strategic plan.

Previously, Kevin was Vice President, International, Workforce Development and Partnerships, at Georgian. In this role, he was responsible for International Education and Development, Part-time Studies and Workforce Development, Research and Innovation, Government and Employment Programs, School College Work Initiative, Indigenous Services, and Partnerships, as well as oversight of operations at the Muskoka, Orangeville and John D Poce South Georgian Bay campuses.

Since joining Georgian in 2014 as Dean, Technology and Visual Arts, Kevin has demonstrated highly strategic and effective leadership on a number of key college priorities.

Kevin has more than 15 years of progressively responsible experience in the Ontario college system. Before coming to Georgian, he was Acting Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Human Services at Fanshawe College, and prior to that, Chair for Fanshawe’s School of Information Technology. His previous experience in the college sector includes time spent as a professor and program coordinator at Sault College.

In addition to college experience, Kevin worked in software product management roles in the private sector and spent time in the public sector as a spatial analyst.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Kevin holds a Master of Science in GIS/Spatial Modeling from the University of Toronto, Honours BA in Geography from Wilfrid Laurier University and a postgraduate certificate in GIS from Sir Sandford Fleming College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Kevin enjoys time with family, walks with his wife, time at the hockey arena, golf (whenever he has the chance) and watching sports. He’s volunteered as an assistant coach/on ice helper for minor hockey for many years. Kevin currently serves on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity Huronia and Electric Human Resources Canada.

You can connect with Kevin on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt