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Author Profile

Kenneth Mashinchi | Interim Associate Vice President of University Marketing and Communications, San Jose State University

Kenneth Mashinchi | Interim Associate Vice President of University Marketing and Communications, San Jose State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Kenneth Mashinchi is currently Interim Associate Vice President of University Marketing and Communications at San José State University and has been with the institution since 2020. He began as Senior Director of Media Relations before moving into the role of Senior Director of Strategic Communications and Media Relations. In 2022, he became Executive Director of Strategic Content and College Marketing before his current role. Prior, he was at UC Merced where he served as Senior Public Information Officer.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mashinchi holds a master’s degree in Journalism from the University of Southern California and bachelor of arts in Communication Studies from California State University Stanislaus.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Mashinchi enjoys playing and watching sports and reading. He played one game with the Harlem Globetrotters, scoring two points. Mashinchi earned two Emmy awards while working as a reporter at 23ABC in Bakersfield, California.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review