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Author Profile

Kenneth Green | Founding Director, The Campus Computing Project

Kenneth Green | Founding Director, The Campus Computing Project

Current Position and Past Experience
Kenneth Green is currently the Founding Director of the Campus Computing Project, the largest continuing study of the role of computing, eLearning and information technology in American higher education. He also serves as a Moderator and Executive Producer for This Week @ Inside Higher Ed, and writes the Digital Tweed blog on Inside Higher Ed.

Green has authored and co-authored 20 books, published research reports and at least 100 articles and commentaries for academic journals and publications.

Green was a Senior Research Associate and later Director of the James Irvine Foundation Center for Scholarly Technology at the University of Southern California. In 1991, Green served as the Associate Director of both the UCLA’s Higher Education Research Institute and the American Council on Education/UCLA Cooperative Institutional Research Program.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Green earned his degree from New College in Sarasota, he completed his Master’s degree from Ohio State University and earned his Ph.D. from UCLA.

In 2002 Green was awarded the EDUCAUSE Award for leadership in public policy and practice.

You can find Green on Twitter @DigitalTweed and read more of his work on Digital Tweed, which is listed on EdTech Magazine’s list of 50 Must Read Higher Ed IT Blogs. Learn more about The Campus Computing Project.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt