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Kay Yoon | Associate Professor, University of Colorado – Colorado Spring

Kay Yoon | Associate Professor, University of Colorado – Colorado Spring

Current Position and Past Experience
Kay Yoon is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado – Colorado Springs and has been in this position since 2017. Before then, she was at DePaul University for nearly 12 years, serving as Assistant and Associate Professor. Prior to her career in academia, she worked in human resource management for management consulting industry for two years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
She holds a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Communication from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Korea.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Kay is an active and passionate yogi. She spends her free time cooking, hiking, and playing the cello.

You can connect with Kay on LinkedIn

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