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Katrina Biscay | Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, University of Cincinnati

Katrina Biscay | Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, University of Cincinnati

Current Position and Past Experience
Katrina Biscay is currently Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at the University of Cincinnati and has been in this position since 2021. At the same time, she is a Cyber Intelligence Analyst at Greater Cincinnati Fusion Center. Previously, she was Adjunct Faculty, Director of Information Security and Cyber Incident Response Manager. Prior, she was at the City of Sharonville, serving as Director of Information Technology and IT Manager.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Biscay holds a Master’s degree in Digital Forensic Science from Champlain College. She also has a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Xavier University.

You can connect with Katrina on LinkedIn.

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