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Katie Spiker | Senior Federal Policy Analyst, National Skills Coalition

Katie Spiker | Senior Federal Policy Analyst, National Skills Coalition

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2015, Katie Spiker has served as a Senior Federal Policy Analyst with National Skills Coalition, working to advance NSC’s Washington-based policy efforts through federal legislation, agency regulation and national funding initiatives. In this capacity, Spiker provides in-depth analyses of proposed and existing federal workforce, postsecondary education, and human services policies.

Prior to joining NSC, Katie Spiker was Associate Director of the National Center for Women’s Employment Equity at Wider Opportunities for Women, where she managed the design and provision of on-site and virtual technical assistance and the creation of case studies and policy briefs related to non-traditional occupations and occupational segregation. Spiker has also consulted with the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and the National Women’s Law Center. She served as policy counsel for Workplace Flexibility 2010 and the National Partnership for Women and Families as a Women’s Law and Public Policy Fellow.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Spiker holds a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center and a B.A. from the University of Miami. She is a 2015 Ford Foundation Public Voices Fellow.

You can connect with Katie Spiker on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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