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Kathleen Radionoff | Dean of the School of Professional and Continuing Education, Madison Area Technical College

Kathleen Radionoff | Dean of the School of Professional and Continuing Education, Madison Area Technical College

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2007, Kathleen Radionoff has served as the Dean of the School of Professional and Continuing Education at Madison Area Technical College. An early adopter of digital badging, Radionoff is very active in the digital badging space. For the past four years she has worked with Mozilla, the Badging Alliance and IMS Global Learning Consortium on badging standards. Her school was awarded a prestigious grant from the American Association of Community Colleges and Lumina Foundation to work on digital badging with health care employers.

Prior to stepping into the higher education space, Radionoff served for 10 years as the Director of Marketing and Strategic Planning at Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin. Radionoff also served as the Dean of Business at Cardinal Stritch University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Radionoff earned her B.A. in Marketing from Michigan State University and earned her M.S. in E-Business from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee – School of Business Administration. She also earned an M.B.A. in Marketing from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management.

Radionoff has also been certified by Madison College as a Badge Administrator and a Badge Strategist.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Radionoff is also working with the Credential Transparency Initiative’s pilot project.

You can connect with Kathleen Radionoff via LinkedIn or via email: Her work on digital badging can be viewed on

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