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Author Profile

Katherine Frank | Chancellor, University of Wisconsin - Stout

Katherine Frank | Chancellor, University of Wisconsin - Stout

Current Position and Past Experience
Katherine Frank is currently Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin – Stout. She became the eighth chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Stout, after a distinguished career as an administrator and faculty member.

Before her appointment as chancellor, Chancellor Frank served from 2016 in two roles at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash., as Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Life and Vice President of Academic Innovation. She also held the rank of Professor of English.

From summer 2014 until spring 2016, she was Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Northern Kentucky University. Frank served as Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Indiana University East, Chair of English and Foreign Languages at Colorado State University-Pueblo, and a faculty member and administrator of programs involving student writing, literature, faculty professional development, and student success.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Chancellor Frank, the first female leader of UW-Stout, grew up in Colorado and has a bachelor’s degree in English from Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. She has master’s and doctorate degrees in English from the University of Washington, Seattle. Frank’s research interests include Romantic and Victorian English Literature, rhetoric and composition, the scholarship of teaching, and academic leadership.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Chancellor Frank and her husband, Joe Dvorsky, live in Menomonie with their three rescue cats. She is an outdoor activities enthusiast, including running, road cycling and mountain biking, and has a love of animals, travel, and adventure.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review