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Karen Ferguson | Provost, Colorado State University-Global Campus

Karen Ferguson | Provost, Colorado State University-Global Campus

Current Position and Past Experience
Karen Ferguson serves as Provost and VP of Strategic Development at Colorado State University - Global Campus. She first entered the University in 2015, as Dean of the School of Professional Studies. Prior to her current position, Karen worked on federal and state grants, served as an Army Research Institute Doctoral Fellow, and has held several faculty and administrative positions in non-traditional higher education. She also she served in the US Army for 12 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Karen Ferguson holds a Bachelor’s in Workforce Development from Southern Illinois University and a Masters, with honors, in Human Resource Development from University of Louisville. She also earned her Ph.D. in Education Leadership and Organization Development from University of Louisville in 2006. She is the recipient of the Wagner Award for Leadership in Distance Learning

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Karen has volunteered on advisory boards and is passionate about providing access to a quality education for students of all backgrounds and academic ability.

You can connect with Karen Ferguson on LinkedIn.

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