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Kamilah Williams | Dean of College and Career Readiness, Illinois Central College

Kamilah Williams | Dean of College and Career Readiness, Illinois Central College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr.Kamilah L. Williams is a seasoned educational professional who has spent over two decades in higher education. Dr.Williams is the Dean of College and Career Readiness at Illinois Central College in Peoria, Illinois. She is a disability rights advocate, scholarly practitioner, and educational consultant. Dr. Williams enjoys research on disability rights, diversity, equity, inclusion, and access and supports social justice issues of equity and belongness. She enjoys collaborating on issues about disability law with other disability service professionals and topics related to DEIA justice.

Before serving at Illinois Central College and Augustana College, Dr. Williams was the director of academic support and student disability services, overseeing the Teaching and Learning Center at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Ill. Other research interests include student retention, DEIJ, adult learners, student support services, disability policy and awareness, and academic achievement effects on students of color and students of color with disabilities.

Education, Honors and Achievements
SShe holds a B. A from Saint Ambrose University in 2003, an MBA and M.Ed. from the University of Arizona Global Campus in 2008 and 2013. And a Doctor of Educational Leadership in Higher Education Administration from Bradley University. Dr. Williams currently serves on many boards and has sat on the Illinois/Iowa Association of Higher Education and Disability (Illowa AHEAD) regional board as a board member. She has also served as a moderator at the National Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) conferences. Recently, she was nominated for the Illinois Central College Staff Who Makes a Difference award. She is a 2019 recipient of the Outstanding Career Advisor award from Monmouth College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside work, Kamilah enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, reading, music, arts and culture. She has volunteered for the Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Best Buddies, AmeriCorps, Bridge, and Upward Bound programs.

You can connect with Kam on LinkedIn

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