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Kacey Thorne | Senior Director of Skills Architecture, Western Governors University

Kacey Thorne | Senior Director of Skills Architecture, Western Governors University

Current Position and Past Experience
Kacey Thorne is the Senior Director of Skills Architecture at Western Governors University. In this role, Kacey operates at the intersection of higher education and the future of work, where she is responsible for establishing a comprehensive network of competencies and skills that are aligned to workforce needs. This network serves as the foundation for the development of WGU programs and facilitates the ability to offer personalized, workforce-relevant learning pathways. To accomplish this transformative work at scale, Kacey has established an emergent ecosystem of partnerships, processes, tools, and technologies that continues to grow and evolve. Kacey is passionate about the urgent call to action for higher education to better meet the needs of students and employers. She is deeply invested in student success and creating higher education systems that support access, equity, and upward mobility.

During her time with Western Governors University, Thorne has served in multiple roles including the Director of Assessment Design and Development and Curriculum Director for Teachers College. Prior to coming to WGU, Thorne served as a high school teacher in health sciences with Canyons School District.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Thorne holds a Master of Education, Instructional Design from Western Governors University and a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Utah.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Kacey enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband Ken and her two dogs Jack and Gus. She is a Harry Potter enthusiast and is always up for talking to others about their Hogwart’s house and patronus.

You can connect with Kacey on LinkedIn and Twitter

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