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Justin Eichorn | Program Director of Adult Computer Information Systems and Cyber Security, Friends University

Justin Eichorn | Program Director of Adult Computer Information Systems and Cyber Security, Friends University

Current Position and Past Experience
Justin Eichorn joined Friends University as an Assistant Professor of Cyber Defense in July 2017, and was appointed Program Director of Adult Computer Information Systems and Cyber Security. In this role, Eichorn took part in developing Friends University’s Cyber Security Lab, a state-of-the-art facility that offers cyber security students the opportunity to learn and practice real-time attack and defense mechanisms. Prior to joining Friends University, Eichorn served as an Adjunct Instructor at Pittsburg State University, Friends University and Wichita Area Technical College. In addition to serving the military as a civil affairs specialist, communications specialist, and information assurance security officer, Eichorn has previously worked as a systems analyst at Koch Pipeline in their SCADA environment and as a systems administrator for Pitsco Education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Eichorn attained a Master of Science in Cyber Security from Missouri State University in 2016 and a Bachelor of Business Administration, Computer information Systems from Pittsburgh State University. He holds Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, CompTIA Security+ and CompTIA Network+ Certifications. Eichorn is currently working on his Doctorate of Information Assurance January or 2018. Eichorn was awarded with an Army Commendation Medal in 2011 for work performed during his deployment with the Army Reserves and an Army Achievement Medal for his leadership and efficiency during his 2013 annual two-week training.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of his professional life, Eichorn loves to run long distance and loves to travel. He has completed 4 full marathons and is working on a 5th. Eichorn has been to 15 countries both while traveling with the military and traveling alone.

You can find Eichorn via LinkedIn.

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