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Author Profile

Julie Uranis | Senior Vice President for Online and Strategic Initiatives, UPCEA

Julie Uranis | Senior Vice President for Online and Strategic Initiatives, UPCEA

Current Position and Past Experience
Julie Uranis serves as the Sr. Vice President for Online and Strategic Initiatives at UPCEA. Prior to UPCEA she led the distance learning and continuing and professional education teams at Western Kentucky University. She began her career at Eastern Michigan University where she held both teaching and administrative positions. Uranis blogs, publishes, and consults on online administration, professional and continuing education, working with adult learners, competency-based education, alternative/non-degree credentials and bachelor completion programs for career/technical students.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Uranis has a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, a Master of Science in Technology Studies, and a Graduate Certificate in Community College Leadership from EMU. She completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of Michigan-Dearborn.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Julie is an avid traveler, knitter, and advocate for all things associated with her home state of Michigan. Not only does she have a penchant for degrees from her home state, she also believes in the healing power of Vernors – her favorite ‘pop’, considers herself a connoisseur of Coney Island restaurants, and will trash talk Euchre opponents (and sometimes her partners).

You can connect with Julie on LinkedIn

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