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Julian L. Alssid | Chief Marketplace Engagement Officer, Unmudl

Julian L. Alssid | Chief Marketplace Engagement Officer, Unmudl

Current Position and Past Experience
Julian L. Alssid is currently Chief Marketplace Engagement Officer at Unmudl. Prior, he was Vice President of Workforce Partnerships at the Community College of Rhode Island, where he was responsible for leading the college’s workforce development efforts. He has also been writing for The Huffington Post for over ten years. Prior to taking up the role at CCRI, Alssid worked as Chief Workforce Strategist for College of America at Southern New Hampshire University and as Executive Director of National Nonprofit Workforce Strategy Center. He also was the Director of Economic Development at LaGuardia Community College in New York City for eight years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Julian has a bachelor’s degree from Boston University in Studies in Social Criticism, Philosophy and the Arts.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Julian is currently a Member of the Rhode Island Governor’s Workforce Board and a Trustee at The Providence Foundation. He was also a board member at the Friends of the Bay Spring Community Center for two years.

Julian enjoys soccer, movies and being with his family and friends.

You can connect with Julian Alssid on LinkedIn.

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