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Author Profile

Joy Miller | Owner, Accelerated Degree

Joy Miller | Owner, Accelerated Degree

Current Position and Past Experience
Joy Miller is the owner of Accelerated Degree and an MBA student. Prior to launching Accelerated Degree, Miller was a proposal editor at IBM for 12 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Miller earned her Bachelor’s in Business Administration at Columbia College. She is currently completing her MBA at Amberton University, which she expects to finish by December 2015.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Miller spends the majority of her free time volunteering with a local non-profit organization focused on assisting the disadvantaged in less developed nations. Most recently, she spent time in Africa and Asia working on projects aimed at improving social and economic sustainable development.

Joy Miller can be found on Twitter. You can also visit Accelerated Degree.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review