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Josh Herron | Dean of Online and Continuous Learning, Anderson University

Josh Herron | Dean of Online and Continuous Learning, Anderson University

Current Position and Past Experience
Josh Herron is the Dean of Online and Continuous Learning at Anderson University (SC), where he had previously been Coordinator of Faculty Development and Lecturer of English. Before his current role, he was Director of Extended Campus Online at Limestone College in South Carolina. He began his academic career as a Teaching Associate in the NC Community College System.

Education, Honors and Achievements
He has PhD in Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design from Clemson University and an M.A. in English (Teaching Composition) from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has completed Penn State and the Online Learning Consortium's Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning as well as other ongoing professional development experiences in online and blended learning.

He continues to teaching in seated and online formats. His research interests are in mobile learning, online/blended learning, new media, composition studies, and higher education teaching and learning. He has presented at national and regional conferences about innovative approaches to teaching and learning in higher education. His selected publications include book chapters in Handbook of Research on Human Development in the Digital Age (2017) and Mobile Technologies and the Writing Classroom: Resources for Teachers (2016) as well as reviews in Composition Forum and Journal of Teaching Writing.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Josh enjoys traveling and spending time with his wife and daughter. He attempts to play golf and likes to spend time outdoors or reading.

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