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John Fuchko III | Vice Chancellor for Organizational Effectiveness, University System of Georgia

John Fuchko III | Vice Chancellor for Organizational Effectiveness, University System of Georgia

Current Position and Past Experience
John Fuchko, III is currently Vice Chancellor for Organizational Effectiveness at the University System of Georgia and has been in this position since 2016. Previously, he was Chief Audit Officer for seven years. Fuchko also is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Georgia Army National Guard and has deployed twice over his 19+ years of service; he was recently selected to serve as the Georgia Guard’s senior intelligence officer in a Colonel position. Fuchko also teaches a doctoral class in higher education policy.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Fuchko holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education from The University of Georgia. He also has a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University, and a Master of Business Administration in Management from Georgia State University. In 2000, he earned his Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Kennesaw State University. Fuchko currently is a student in the U.S. Army War College.

Fuchko has served as a commencement speaker, convocation speaker, and conference keynote speaker. He was named to both the Georgia Trend and Atlanta Business Chronicle 40 Under 40 list and is a graduate of Leadership Atlanta. He also was awarded the Bronze Star.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Fuchko has served on multiple non-profit boards and professional boards. He currently is a board member and audit committee chair for the Center for Family Resources in Cobb County and is finance chair for the National Guard Association of Georgia. He and his spouse, Sherie Fuchko, enjoy raising their twelve children, hiking, cooking, and participating in the beautiful traditions of their Eastern Catholic church.

You can connect with John on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review