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Author Profile

John Farrar | Director of Education, Google

John Farrar | Director of Education, Google

Current Position and Past Experience
John is a passionate industry leader at Google, dedicated to Education partnerships. Raised by two public school teachers turned professors, John has witnessed the immense opportunities and challenges within traditional education, and has a keen desire to partner with universities and technology players as they innovate and adapt to reach their students and meet their evolving needs.

John has pioneered Google’s thought leadership in the education space, launching a bi-weekly speaker series amidst COVID-19 to deliver high impact insights on the future of the industry and student mindset. He brings a unique perspective on the ways that Google can support the evolving space, rooted in these insights and research.

Prior to joining Google, John was President and General Manager of, a programmatic display platform in San Francisco. He spent the majority of his career at Valassis Communications, Inc. in several capacities, including Vice President of CPG Sales and Chief of Staff for Digital M&A. J

Education, Honors and Achievements
John earned his Master of Business Administration from Notre Dame and his Bachelor of Arts from Hillsdale College where he was named “Graduate of the Last Decade.”

Personal Details and Community Involvement
John lives with his wife and two daughters outside of Sacramento. Outside of work, John does an occasional triathlon and used to co-host a weekly podcast on college sports. He also co-founded a retro barber shop in historic downtown Chicago with his long-time barber.

You can connect with John on Google

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed