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John Bowers | Dean for Basic and Transitional Studies, South Seattle College

John Bowers | Dean for Basic and Transitional Studies, South Seattle College

Current Position and Past Experience
John Bowers currently serves as the Dean for Basic and Transitional Studies at South Seattle College. Before moving to his current role, Bowers was the Director of Workforce Education at North Seattle College. From 2007 until 2009, Bowers worked as the Director of Workforce Education at Green River College. Earlier in his career, Bowers served as Director at the Ritenour Adult Learning Center.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bowers earned his BA in English and Education from Boston College. Bowers earned his MA in English from St. Louis University and his EdD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Bowers contributes to his community in a number of ways. He is a member of the Seattle King County Workforce Development Council and serves as the Co-Chair of the Washington Connection Steering Committee.

You can find John Bowers on LinkedIn.

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