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Author Profile

Joel Gardner | Program Chair of Master of Instructional Design and Performance Technology, Franklin University

Joel Gardner | Program Chair of Master of Instructional Design and Performance Technology, Franklin University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Joel Gardner has served as the Program Chair of the Master of Instructional Design and Performance Technology at Franklin University. Prior to this, Gardner spent two years as an Instructional Design Faculty Member at Franklin. This followed two years as an Instructional Designer at Utah State University. Gardner has also served as a Training Specialist with Discover Card Financial Services.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Gardner earned his Associate’s Degree from Snow College in 2002. In 2005 he earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Westminster College. He earned his MS and PhD from Utah State University. He has received several awards for his teaching and scholarly work, including most recently the Robert L. Bailey Teaching Award at Franklin University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Gardner is a member of the Central Ohio Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, and the International Society for Performance Improvement. You can access prepublication drafts of his academic articles at his faculty homepage.

For more of Gardner’s writing on instructional and learning, please visit his blog, Reflections on Learning Success. You can find Gardner on the web through his professional site, through LinkedIn or on Google+.

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