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Joe Murray | Assistant Dean of University Advising Services, Florida Atlantic University

Joe Murray | Assistant Dean of University Advising Services, Florida Atlantic University

Current Position and Past Experience
Joe Murray is currently Assistant Dean of University Advising Services at Florida Atlantic University and has been in this position since 2013. Prior, he was Director of Academic Advising and Rentention Services at Miami University for 21 years. He was also Co-Chiar for the First Generation College Student Interest Group of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

Education, Honors and Achievements
Murray holds a Master of Science in Human Resource Management and Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Purdue University. He is a national consultant and trainer in Appreciative Advising, a strength based approach to working with students accoss campuses.


• NACADA 2020 winner of the Excellence in Advising – Advising Program award for Exploratory Students

• 2019 Winner of the Outstanding Advising Award (Primary Role) for our foster youth support. Top in the country recognized by NACADA. (National Academic Advising Association)

• 2019 Certificate of Merit for our ACCESS coaching center. Top 10 in the county by NACADA.

• 2019 FLACADA Exemplary Practice Award for the ACCESS coaching center. This is the top program for the state of Florida recognized by the Florida organization of NACADA.

• 2019 & 2020 Top three programs in the country using Starfish supporting student success through our Success Networks and case management.

• 2018 Certificate of Merit for UAS and the “On the go Parking Garage advising”. Top 10 in the country by NACADA.

• 2017 Exemplary Practice Award for UAS and the “On the go Parking Advising”. Top program in the state of Florida for 2017.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Murray works tirelessly to help students that are traditionally underrepresented in higher education. He has been a driving force behind Ohio Reach, a state and national effort to increase access and retention to higher education for Ohio’s Lower Income/Disadvantaged Youth and Foster Care Alumni. He recently resigned from the Ohio Reach governing board to relocate to Florida to begin work to support foster youth in that state. He is now a co-founder for Florida Reach and Champions Empowering Champions, a 501C3 non-profit organization supporting foster youth.

On a personal note, I collect cacti and other exotic plants, belong to a wine tasting club and recently consider myself a marathon and half marathon runner.

You can connect with Joe on LinkedIn

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