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Jo-Carol Fabianke | Vice Chancellor for Academic Success, Alamo Colleges

Jo-Carol Fabianke | Vice Chancellor for Academic Success, Alamo Colleges

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2012, Dr. Jo-Carol Fabianke has served as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Success at Alamo Colleges. During her time at Alamo Colleges, Fabianke has held several senior-level administration roles including Executive Assistant to the Chancellor, Vice President of Academics at Northwest Vista College, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Partnerships and Initiatives and Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Success. Fabianke served as the San Antonio College’s first Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Co-Director of the Reaffirmation of Accreditation and District Policy Liaison. Before she stepped into administration, Fabianke taught at San Antonio College for 24 years.

Fabianke also serves as a Baldridge Examiner and Texas Assessment of Performance Excellence Examiner. In the past, Fabianke was a Pacesetter Examiner through the Continuous Quality Improvement Network and provided her expertise at the Texas Association of Community Colleges legislative meetings. Fabianke has been a Representative of Alamo Colleges at the Association of Community College Trustees conference.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Fabianke earned her BA in Business Administration and her MA in Business Education from the University of North Texas. Fabianke later earned her PhD in Higher Education Administration from Baylor University.

You can connect with Fabianke through LinkedIn.

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