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Jim La Creta | Chief Information Officer, Brandeis University

Jim La Creta | Chief Information Officer, Brandeis University

Current Position and Past Experience
Jim La Creta has been the Chief Information Officer at Brandeis University since 2016. His responsibilities include overseeing academic and administrative systems and services, including enterprise resource planning systems, learning management systems, customer relationship management systems, the campus network and telephone system, media and service desks, information security and project management.

Jim has more than 25 years of experience working in technology and communications in academia and the public sector. In addition, he is active within several local and national IT consortia, presenting on change management and organizational leadership. He has been teaching masters classes in Organizational Leadership, IT Strategy, Project Management, and Communications at Brandeis University since 2008. He also served as the program chair for the Masters of Science in the Technology Management Program at Brandeis University for 6 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jim holds a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership and Communication Specialization from Northeastern University. He also has a Master of Science in Information Technology Management from Brandeis University and a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications from Emerson College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In his off time, Jim tries to keep very active. He cycles several times a week, play basketball, cross-fit, and really enjoy anything that involves exercise. He also enjoys traveling as much as possible. Some of his favorite destinations are Italy, England, and his relaxing spot, Turks and Caicos. Coming from Italian descent, Jim has a strong interest in cooking. He cook all types of food, but Italian food is his speciality. He is always on the lookout for something new to make for family and friends.

You can connect with Jim on LinkedIn

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