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Author Profile

Jim Hundrieser | Associate Managing Principal, Association of Governing Boards Institutional Strategies

Jim Hundrieser | Associate Managing Principal, Association of Governing Boards Institutional Strategies

Current Position and Past Experience
Jim Hundrieser currently serves as the Associate Managing Principal for the Association of Governing Boards Institutional Strategies. Prior to this, Hundrieser was the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs at Plymouth State University. This followed four years as Vice President at Noel-Levitz Consulting Services. From 2005 until 2008, Hundreiser was Vice President for Student Development at Lynn University.

In his current role at AGB Institutional Strategies, he works with campuses to define their strategic plans, identify revenue and growth generation strategies, and improve institution’s fiscal health.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hundrieser earned his BS in Management from Northern Michigan University and his MEd in Educational Administration and Supervision from Plymouth State University. Later on, Hundrieser earned his PhD in Educational Leadership from Barry University.

Hundrieser has been the recipient of several awards, but his most treasured award are those given to him by the students having recently been named the faculty or staff member of the year by Plymouth State’s senior class!

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Away from work, Hundrieser enjoys reading a good biography or a good movie based on a true story. He is an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys boating and anything water related – except swimming it, but can look at it for hours. He just completed serving as President of his community mental health association.

You can connect with Jim Hundrieser through LinkedIn and on Twitter @JimHundrieser. He is a regular contributor to AGB’s blog. He can also be reached at

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Avoiding summer melt