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Jill Loveless | Vice President of Academic Affairs, West Virginia Northern Community College

Jill Loveless | Vice President of Academic Affairs, West Virginia Northern Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Jill Loveless is the Vice President of Academic Affairs at West Virginia Northern Community College. She has been working in the higher education space for over 18 years, serving in several executive positions for a number of institutions.

Previously, Loveless worked as the Dean of Instruction at Mohave Community College and was in charge of administering the college instruction programs. This follows three years as Associate Dean of Humanities at Arizona Western College, where she supervised the Communications, Fine Arts and Modern Languages departments.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jill Loveless earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Education from West Virginia University and a Master’s degree in English from Broad Loaf School of English. In 2017, she received a PhD in Leadership in Higher Education from Capella University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When she is not working on higher education projects, Loveless enjoys renovating her century old house and spending time with her family.

You can connect with Jill Loveless on LinkedIn.

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