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Author Profile

Jessica Della-Latta | Executive Director of Professional and Non-Credit Programs in the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University

Jessica Della-Latta | Executive Director of Professional and Non-Credit Programs in the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University

Current Position and Past Experience
Jessica Della-Latta is the Executive Director of Professional and Non-Credit Programs in the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University. Della-Latta is also the Director of Continuing Teacher Education, Professional Studies and the Queen's School of English.

Della-Latta leverages opportunities to collaborate across the three units, within the university, and with outside agencies and institutions to develop accessible and effective programming. Creativity and a willingness to explore new opportunities are key to the success of the units. In her 17 years of experience at the Faculty of Education she has seen a great deal of change, is excited about the growth of non-credit programs, and appreciates the Faculty’s enthusiastic support of these new ventures.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Della-Latta has a background in both Child and Youth Work (CYW) and Business Administration from St. Lawrence College. She will earn her BA in Health Studies from Queen’s University this spring and, a lifelong learner herself, she plans to move on to a MBA next fall.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Della-Latta spends much of her free time doing schoolwork, travelling, and reading.

You can connect with Della-Latta through LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review