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Author Profile

Jeremy Lingle | Director of Microcredentials, University of Colorado Denver

Jeremy Lingle | Director of Microcredentials, University of Colorado Denver

Current Position and Past Experience
Jeremy Lingle is currently Director of Microcredentials at the University of Colorado Denver and has been with the institution since 2019. Previously, he was Senior Director of Program Evaluation and Impact for the University’s Office of Digital Education. Prior to UC Denver, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Georgia Institute of Technology, where he worked for eight years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jeremy holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Policy Studies and a Master of Science in Professional Counseling from Georgia State University. He also has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Alabama.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jeremy enjoys his free time hiking in the nearby Rocky Mountains, cultivating his backyard collection of native plants, or dabbling in a little fiction writing.

You can connect with Jeremy on LinkedIn or at UC Denver at

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt