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Author Profile

Jenny Petty | Vice President of Marketing Communications, University of Montana

Jenny Petty | Vice President of Marketing Communications, University of Montana

Current Position and Past Experience
Jenny Petty is the Vice President of Marketing Communications at the University of Montana. Prior, she was Director of Enrollment Marketing at the University of Wyoming. Before coming to the University of Wyoming, Petty worked in the private sector for International Game Technology as a Brand and Digital Marketing Manger where she worked with some of the world’s biggest brands including Dolly Parton, Family Guy, Harley Davidson, Phantom of the Opera and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Jenny is passionate about modernizing the way we market to prospective students, can talk about inbound marketing all day long, and is passionate about developing more Servant Leaders in the marketing profession. She was a key, driving force behind The World Needs More Cowboys campaign, and her expertise in branding, marketing strategy, and strategic communications are frequently called upon at all levels of the organization. She finds joy in building teams and helping others grow, as well as flexing her creative muscles whenever she can. She’s the host of “The Servant Marketer,” a weekly podcast featuring marketing leaders, marketers, creatives, academics and entrepreneurs that explores the crossroads of Servant Leadership and the marketing profession.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Petty is a 2005 graduate of the Reynolds School of Journalism (B.A.) and the University of Nevada and is currently finishing her Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University (M.A.).

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When Jenny is not guiding the marketing efforts of the University of Wyoming, you’ll find her wrangling her three kids and menagerie of animals with her husband on their 35 acres of the high plains or with her nose in a book.

You can connect with Jenny on LinkedIn or on Twitter. She shares thoughts on Servant Marketing on all social channels @ServantMarketer and blogs at

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt