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Jennifer Lindon | President and CEO, Hazard Community and Technical College

Jennifer Lindon | President and CEO, Hazard Community and Technical College

Current Position and Past Experience
Jennifer Lindon is currently President and CEO at Hazard Community and Technical College. At Hazard Community and Technical College, Dr. Lindon has served as a teaching faculty member, program coordinator, Workforce Solutions Liaison, Academic Dean, and as Chief Campus Administrator on the HCTC Technical Campus.

Her professional experience began in 1992 with the Kentucky Tech System in the business office and later in financial aid and student services. Dr. Lindon has private industry experience in healthcare, small business and distribution and logistics.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lindon holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration from Morehead State University where she earned with an Accounting Option, as well as a Master's in Business Administration along with over eighteen specialization hours in Computer Information Systems. In 2010, Dr. Lindon received her Doctoral Degree in Community College Leadership through Mississippi State University. She also has an associate degree from Hazard Community College.

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