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Jen Meyers Pickard | Executive Search Consultant in the Education Practice, WittKieffer

Jen Meyers Pickard | Executive Search Consultant in the Education Practice, WittKieffer

Current Position and Past Experience
Jen Meyers Pickard is currently an executive search consultant in the Education Practice at WittKieffer. Prior, she worked at the University of Arizona for eight years. Some of her roles there included Assistant Vice President for Divisional Initiatives and Planning, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Communications, and Assessment and Research Specialist. Pickard also worked at the University of Maryland and Northwestern University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Pickard holds a Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Arts in College Student Personnel from the University of Maryland College Park. She also has a Bachelor of Science, Psychology from Bowling Green State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jen is passionate about the cultivation of emerging higher education professionals, having developed and facilitated numerous leadership institutes and conference sessions. She has also been active in NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, as well as other education and student affairs organizations.

You can connect with Jen on LinkedIn

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