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Jeff Weld | Executive Director of the Governor's STEM Advisory Council, State of Iowa

Jeff Weld | Executive Director of the Governor's STEM Advisory Council, State of Iowa

Current Position and Past Experience
Jeffrey Weld is currently Executive Director of the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council in the State of Iowa, and has held this position for eight years. Prior, Weld was Senior Policy Advisor and Assistant Director for STEM Education in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. There, he led the development of the 2019-2023 Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan. He was also Director of the Iowa Math and Science Education Partnership for four years. He is on extended leave from a faculty position in the Department of Biology at the University of Northern Iowa.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jeff earned his doctorate in Science Education, as well as Masters and Bachelors degrees at the University of Iowa. In 2007 Jeff was named national college biology teacher of the year by the National Association of Biology Teachers. Formerly a decorated high school science teacher on the Texas-Mexico border, urban St. Louis, and in Pella, Iowa, Jeff’s passion for STEM literacy has led to more than fifty research articles, essays, book chapters, and books including Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning (NSTA Press, 2017) and The Game of Science Education (Allyn & Bacon, 2004) .

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Jeff is an avid skier, bowler, writer, mechanic and home improvement hobbyist in free time. Thirty-four years into life partnership with spouse Mary, they have two sons David of Austin, TX., and Andrew of St. Paul, MN.

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