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Author Profile

Janie Lancaster | Author and Educator

Janie Lancaster | Author and Educator

Current Position and Past Experience
Janie Lancaster’s interest in the right/left brain connection has led to her becoming a prolific writer and to publishing her written works. She shares her insights on healing an injured mind through her recent books, “When Silence Reigns: Help Yourself through Expressive/Therapeutic Writing,” and “Emily: Out of My Mother’s Darkness.”

Prior to launching her writing and speaking career, Lancaster was a Sign Language Instructor for three years at Leigh Carbon Community College and a Nationally Certified Interpreter for the Deaf

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lancaster graduated from Lehigh Carbon Community College.

She was a recipient of the College's Phi Theta Kappa Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2002.

Visit Janie’s website and see how she takes her readers on a right/left brain adventure from dreams to fairy tales down to the depths of despair and onto survival. where she posts links and discusses topics of interest with fellow learning professionals.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review