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Janice Deakin | Provost and Vice President of Academics, Western University

Janice Deakin | Provost and Vice President of Academics, Western University

Current Position and Past Experience
Janice Deakin is the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) at Western University. This followed nearly 25 years at Queen’s University, where Deakin rose to the level of Associate Vice-Principal and Dean of the School of Graduate & Post Doctoral Studies. Deakin is widely published within her field of Expert Performance and has written technical reports for agencies including the Department of National Defense, NATO and Sport Canada.

Deakin is Chair of the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents and has past served as the President of the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning & Sport Psychology and the Canadian Council of University Physical Education & Kinesiology Administrators. She currently serves on the Board of SNOLAB – a world-class deep underground science facility in Sudbury, Ontario.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Deakin earned three undergraduate degrees from Queen’s University, a Master of Science degree from McMaster University, and a PhD in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo.

Deakin was named one of 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada by the Women’s Executive Network in 2014.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Deakin was the first woman in Canada to hold an international basketball officiating license FIBA 1992 – and she officiated multiple World Championships and the Atlanta Olympic Games. While she has retired from officiating, she remains active through running and road cycling. Her other interests include travelling, and spending time with her Bedlington Terriers.

You can connect with Janice Deakin on LinkedIn. Deakin is also active on Twitter through @westernProvost and @fibacanada.

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