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Author Profile

Jane Kucko | Director of the Center for International Studies, Texas Christian University

Jane Kucko | Director of the Center for International Studies, Texas Christian University

Current Position and Past Experience
Jane Kucko is the Director of the Center for International Studies at Texas Christian University (TCU). Kucko also serves as Associate Dean of University Programs. She has been a faculty member at TCU since 1984.

As co-author of Purple Passport: Discovering Global Citizenship, Kucko has helped TCU embark upon an extensive plan for comprehensive internationalization and complete the ACE Comprehensive Internationalization Lab. Most recently, she spearheaded the TCU Global Academy pilot program in Panama and the City of Knowledge, where she hopes to develop a strong international partnership.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Kucko holds a Ph.D. from Texas Woman’s University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Kucko is a quiltmaker and has conducted narratives of North Texas women quilters. Kucko and her spouse have four grandchildren and enjoy travel throughout the world.

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