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Author Profile

Jana Hayhurst | Director of Marketing, University of Arizona

Jana Hayhurst | Director of Marketing, University of Arizona

Current Position and Past Experience
Jana Hayhurst is currently Director of Marketing at the University of Arizona Online. Previously, she was Assistant Director of Marketing for two years. Prior to U of Arizona, she was at Viacom for eight years serving as Senior Director of Audience Research. She also worked at The Nielsen Company for five years as a Senior Account Executive.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hayhurst is pursuing a Master’s in Organizational Leadership from Northern Arizona University and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts from the University of Arizona.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of her career, Hayhurst is a mother to two boys ages 7 and 9. They keep her busy with schoolwork, sports and many visits to Gamestop.

You can connect with Jana on LinkedIn

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Driving modern student success in higher ed