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Author Profile

Jan Yoshiwara | Deputy Executive Director of Education, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Jan Yoshiwara | Deputy Executive Director of Education, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Current Position and Past Experience
Jan Yoshiwara is the Deputy Executive Director of Education for Washington’s State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Her primary responsibilities are education policy and strategic planning for the community and technical college system, and management of the Education Division, including instruction, student services, eLearning, policy research and performance accountability. Ms. Yoshiwara works with senior staff at colleges, universities, higher education and K-12 agencies, governor’s office, legislators and state business and labor partners on education goals and policies.

She joined the SBCTC in 1984, having previously served as associate director of planning and information services and assistant director for student services and minority affairs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Yoshiwara earned her BS in zoology from the University of California, Davis, and an MEd in student personnel administration for higher education from Western Washington University.

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