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Author Profile

James Winebrake | Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology

James Winebrake | Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. James Winebrake currently serves as the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Rochester Institute of Technology. Winebrake previously served as Chair of Rochester Institute of Technology Department of Science, Technology and Society/Public Policy. Winebrake has participated on several National Academies of Science research committees, the New York Energy Planning Board and other professional boards.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Winebrake earned his M.S. in Technology and Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his B.S. in Physics from Lafayette College. Winebrake earned his PhD in Energy Management and policy from the University of Pennsylvania.

Winebrake was awarded the RIT Trustees Scholar Award in 2010.

You can connect with James Winebrake on LinkedIn and on twitter @RIT_COLA_Dean.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review