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James Minor | Senior Strategist for Academic Success and Inclusive Excellence, California State University

James Minor | Senior Strategist for Academic Success and Inclusive Excellence, California State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. James T. Minor currently serves as the Senior Strategist for Academic Success and Inclusive Excellence at California State University. In this role, Minor provides leadership and strategy to advance the CSU's new Graduation Initiative 2025 focused on increasing the completion rates and to eliminate equity gaps among underserved students.

Minor previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education. He was appointed to provide overall leadership and administration for federal programs designed to expand access to higher education, strengthen institutional capacity and to promote postsecondary innovation. In this role, he was responsible for administering and leveraging programs available for postsecondary institutions such as the State College Access Challenge Grants, GEAR-UP, Title III and Title V programs, The Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), and TRIO.

From 2010-2014, Minor was the Senior Program Officer and Director of Higher Education Programs at the Southern Education Foundation. Earlier in his career, Minor served as an Associate Professor of higher education policy at Michigan State University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Minor earned his BS in Sociology from Jackson State University, his MS in Sociology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Minor served as a fellow at the University of Georgia’s Institute for Higher Education and a Research Associate at the Pullias Center for Higher Education at the University of Southern California.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Minor, a recent resident of CA, is attempting surfing.

You can connect with Minor through LinkedIn and on Twitter @JT_Minor.

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