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Author Profile

James Kenigsberg | Chief Technology Officer, 2U

James Kenigsberg | Chief Technology Officer, 2U

Current Position and Past Experience
James Kenigsberg is currently Chief Technology Officer and a founding team member at 2U, Inc. Kenigsberg is an entrepreneur and technology evangelist who finds the passion and fun in using technology to improve education. At 2U, he has translated his passion for technology into creating award-winning learning management platforms, client relationship management systems, mobile applications, and cloud-based architectures. Previously, Kenigsberg led product and technology teams at industry leaders including The Princeton Review, Thomson Financial, and Ogilvy & Mather.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Kenigsberg holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Hunter College. He also has a certificate in Business Process Design for Strategic Management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

You can connect with James on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt