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Author Profile

James Heskett | UPS Foundation Professor of Business Logistics, Emeritus in the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University

James Heskett | UPS Foundation Professor of Business Logistics, Emeritus in the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University

Current Position and Past Experience
James Heskett currently serves as the UPS Foundation of Business Logistics at Emeritus in the Graduate School of Business Administration at Harvard University. Heskett is also an active member of the Faculty of the Ohio State University and the President of Logistics Systems and has held this position since 2000. Heskett has been a Faculty Member of the Harvard Business School since 1965 and has taught courses in marketing, business logistics, the management of service operations, business policy and service management throughout his career. Heskett has also served as a Consultant to companies in North America, Latin America, and Europe.

Heskett has authored and co-authored several books, articles and teaching materials.

Education, Honors and Achievements
In 1992, Heskett won the Marketing Educator of the Year Award of Sales and Marketing Executives International and the 2010 Distinguished Career Contribution Award in Services Management of American Marketing Association. In 1974, Heskett was awarded the John Drury Sheahan Award of the Council of Logistics Management.

You can connect with Heskett through the Harvard Business School website. Check out Heskett’s blog posts on the Working Knowledge website.

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