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Author Profile

Jack Chen | Chief Information Officer, Adelphi University

Jack Chen | Chief Information Officer, Adelphi University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2002, Jack Chen has served as Chief Information Officer at Adelphi University. Chen is also an Adjunct Faculty member and teaches at Adelphi’s Robert B. Willumstad School of Business.

Before joining Adelphi University, Chen worked at Barnard College as the Director of Network and Administrative Systems. This followed 13 years as Director of Systems and Database Administration at the CUNY Central Office, and time as a Database Administrator at New York University.

Chen is currently an Advisory Board member for the Adelphi University Performing Arts Center.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Chen earned his BA in Computer Science from City University of New York- Hunter College. Chen earned his MBA in Finance and Management from Adelphi University.

You can connect with Chen through LinkedIn and on Twitter @JchenCIO.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt