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Author Profile

Helen Sabell | Chief Executive Officer and Principal, The College for Adult Learning

Helen Sabell | Chief Executive Officer and Principal, The College for Adult Learning

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2008, Helen Sabell has served as the CEO and College Principal of the College for Adult Learning (CALearning). Before becoming a leader at CALearning, Sabell worked at Swinburne University of Technology for eight years. She started as a Manager for Industry Consulting Services and moved to Acting Executive Director of TAFE. In her last four years at Swinburne University, Sabell held a leadership role as Director of Business Development and then as the Director of Commercial Services. She has worked with some of the leading names of the Australian University and TAFE sector across her extensive career in the industry. She has designed, developed and authored many workplace leadership and training programs, both in Australia and overseas.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Sabell earned her Bachelor’s degree in Education, her BSc in Biology and her graduate diploma in Health and Human Services, Social sciences. She earned her Master’s in Education from the University of Melbourne.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sabell volunteers her time coaching and mentoring students and past students at CAL and also works with a select group of organizations consulting in People Management and Development, Education and Change.

You can connect with Sabell through LinkedIn and read some of her posts on the College for Adult Learning website.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review