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Heidi Bostic | Visiting Associate Provost for Special Projects, Furman University

Heidi Bostic | Visiting Associate Provost for Special Projects, Furman University

Current Position and Past Experience
Heidi Bostic is Visiting Associate Provost for special projects at Furman University. A Professor of French at the University of New Hampshire, Bostic served as Dean of the UNH College of Liberal Arts. At Baylor University she was the inaugural Director of Interdisciplinary Programs for the College of Arts and Sciences, launched the STEM & Humanities Initiative, and chaired the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures. Bostic has held prior academic appointments at Michigan Technological University and Concordia College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
After earning a B.A. at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bostic completed a D.E.A. graduate degree at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and her M.A. and Ph.D. at Purdue University. She was co-Principal Investigator on a multi-year grant from the Mellon Foundation, received the National Teaching Competition Award and the Theodore E.D. Braun Research Travel Award from the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, served as a Fulbright Scholar to Chile, and was named Higher Education Administrator of the Year by the Texas Foreign Language Association.

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