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Author Profile

Greg Morris | Vice President of Academic Affairs, El Centro College

Greg Morris | Vice President of Academic Affairs, El Centro College

Current Position and Past Experience
Greg Morris currently serves as the Vice President of Academic Affairs at El Centro College. Before stepping into his current role, Morris was the Vice Chancellor for the West Virginia Community and Technical College System.

Morris has more than 20 years of extensive higher education experience within both private and public four-year institutions and has worked in the areas of academic affairs, enrollment management, and workforce and economic development.

Within his current role, Morris’ efforts have been keenly focused on increasing student success through intentional instruction and on pathway development that seeks to build seamless entry and exit points for students.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Morris did his graduate work at The George Washington University where he earned a Doctorate of Education in Higher Education Administration. Morris also holds an undergraduate degree in Landscape Architecture from West Virginia University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Morris currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Dallas Summer Musicals and is active in the High School Musical Theater Awards, where he participates as a judge for regional high school musical theater productions.

You connect with Morris through El Centro College website.

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