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Glynn Cavin | Director of Online and Continuing Education in the College of Engineering, Auburn University

Glynn Cavin | Director of Online and Continuing Education in the College of Engineering, Auburn University

Current Position and Past Experience
Glynn Cavin is the Director of Online and Continuing Education in the College of Engineering at Auburn University. In this role, he develops and implements strategic plans for outreach and continuing education online coursework to include marketing, purchasing equipment, and facilities planning.

Prior to this, he served as Associate Vice Chancellor for Distance Learning at Troy University. He was responsible for strategic direction and daily leadership of Troy University’s distance learning program. Glynn Calvin also served as the Director of the Transportation Training and Education Center at Louisiana State University.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cavin earned his BS at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1972. In 1979, he was competitively selected by the USAF to earn his MBA at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. After completing his service with the USAF, Colonel Cavin pursued and received his PhD at Louisiana State University in Human Resource Education with emphasis in Crisis Leadership, Adult Education, and Workforce Development.

Soon after his first year at Troy was completed, Dr. Cavin was selected as a Chancellor’s Fellow in recognition of his leadership ability.

Glynn Cavin can be found on LinkedIn.

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